This book store is that I passed without any informations about this store, I was interested in its appearance and entered. It continued on the back to the back. I remember it is very cultural but fresh, freedom, and radical, therefore the atmosphere impressed me.
City Lights Booksellers & Publishers is a long-established book store and it has continued from 1953. I hear It is world-famous that this book store spread “Beatnik” writers’s works to the world.
On examination, “Beatnik” is that it rebels against the social system which has repressive and impersonal function and the conservative and the middle class sense of values which they want to have a easy time, and for the unconditional release of the sense of humanity, they try to live with poverty positively, and they are one kind of the life-agitators who try to take a primitive commune life.
I think this book store is suitable to America which has the history of pioneering.
When I asked a Ayurveda doctor previously, he taught me that America where the type is fore-brain indicates the feature, Tokyo where the type is parietal-brain indicates the present, Europe and Africa where the type is occipital-brain indicates the past, Oceania where the type is side-brain indicates beyond the time.
I feel this book store has the spirit, the sense of feeling of America. The founder is Lawrence Ferlinghetti, he is a poet. There is a “poet chair” on the second floor in the back room.

City Lights Booksellers & Publishersは1953年から続く老舗書店で、ビートニクの作家たちの本を世に広めたことで世界的に有名だそうだ。
この書店にはアメリカの感覚、魂があるような気がする。創立者は詩人のローレンス・ファーレンゲッティ。2階の奥の部屋には poet chair (詩人の椅子)がある。